Very proud and happy to have supported the start-up Elithro, the winner of the ‘Innovative product delivery system’ category of the TKF Plastics Innovation Challenge which aim is to reward solutions to Plastic pollution. Elithro is implementing ReCIRCLE in Germany, a "reusable system for take-away food" that was born in Switzerland.
I love this business idea because it is a scalable solution to a significant issue that remains unsolved so far. Think about your frustration each time you want to eat on-tho-go, and you are in front of food in single-use plastic containers with no alternative! When I saw this TKF competition, I knew I had a winner and completed the application for Elithro who stood out over 160 applications, in innovation, unique value and approach.
Nice success story based on a winning business idea, trust and leadership!
Want to know more?
The Kloster Forum :
TKF Plastics Innovation Challenge: